Industrial And Hazardous Waste Management

We cover the entire chain from the removal of the waste-generating area, transportation, temporary storage yard, to its transfer to the authorized final disposal destination.


Industrial And Hazardous Waste Management

At Green Leader, we have extensive experience in the Management, Administration, and Handling of Industrial and Hazardous Waste, covering the entire chain from the removal of the waste-generating area, transportation, management of the Temporary Storage Yard, to its transfer to the authorized final destination for disposal.


We perform an analysis and evaluation to determine the characteristics and classification of the generated waste in accordance with current regulations and standards.


We establish measures and protocols for the proper storage of waste, considering its hazardous nature and the necessary safety conditions to prevent leaks, spills, or contamination.


We plan and execute the transport of waste from its generation site to treatment, recycling, or final disposal facilities, ensuring compliance with legal and safety requirements.


We apply specific techniques and processes to treat waste safely and minimize its impact. In some cases, waste is sent for final disposal.


We conduct continuous monitoring to verify compliance with waste management standards and to assess environmental impacts and the effectiveness of implemented measures.

For more information about our services in the Management of Hazardous and Non-Hazardous Industrial Waste, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Why Green Leader?

We play a crucial role in ensuring environmental protection and human health. This is due to our focus and expertise in the sustainable management of industrial and hazardous waste.

The proper management of industrial and hazardous waste is subject to a series of regulations, and Green Leader has the knowledge and environmental experience necessary to ensure that waste is managed in accordance with legal requirements. This helps companies avoid potential penalties and legal issues.

Industrial and hazardous waste can contain toxic and dangerous substances that, if not managed properly, can contaminate soil, water, and air. Green Leader implements appropriate measures and techniques to minimize the environmental impact of these wastes, thus reducing the risk of contamination and preserving natural resources.

Managing industrial and hazardous waste involves risks to the health and safety of our involved staff. Green Leader specializes in identifying and controlling the hazards associated with these wastes, implementing safety measures, and providing proper training to workers. This contributes to preventing workplace accidents and illnesses.

Adopting responsible waste management practices can enhance a company's reputation and image. Green Leader offers sustainable and environmentally friendly solutions, which can help companies project a positive and appealing image to customers, investors, and the community at large.

Green Leader has experience in implementing efficient waste management systems, which can result in cost savings and resource optimization.

How can our services impact the SDGs?

Industrial and hazardous waste management services can have a significant impact on various Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially those related to environmental protection and the promotion of sustainable practices.

Clean Water and Sanitation Proper management of hazardous waste prevents water contamination and ensures its availability for human and ecosystem use.

Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure Proper management of industrial waste promotes sustainable industrial practices and contributes to the construction of resilient, efficient, and sustainable infrastructure.

Sustainable Cities and Communities. Efficient waste management in cities reduces negative impacts on public health and the environment, thus improving the quality of life in communities.

Responsible Production and Consumption. Industrial and hazardous waste management services promote waste reduction, reuse, recycling, and proper disposal, thus fostering the circular economy and preventing the depletion of natural resources.

Climate Action. Proper management of industrial and hazardous waste contributes to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, preventing the release of pollutants and promoting the adoption of clean technologies.

How can our services impact the sustainability of your value chain?

Our services at Green Leader can significantly impact the sustainability and resilience of the value chain in mining and industry. For example, we can contribute to:


Proper management of industrial and hazardous waste ensures that your company complies with environmental regulations and laws.

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El cumplimiento normativo es esencial para mantener la licencia para operar y evitar sanciones legales, lo que a su vez contribuye a la sostenibilidad a largo plazo.


Industrial and hazardous waste can have a significant negative impact on the environment if not managed properly.

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 Nuestros servicios de gestión de residuos ayudan a minimizar este impacto al implementar prácticas de reciclaje, tratamiento y disposición segura de los desechos. Esto puede incluir la recuperación de materiales valiosos, la reducción de emisiones contaminantes y la prevención de la contaminación del suelo y el agua.


Our management of industrial and hazardous waste can help identify opportunities to optimize resource use in production processes.

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Mediante la implementación de prácticas de reducción, reutilización y reciclaje de residuos, se pueden conservar recursos naturales como el agua, la energía y las materias primas. Esto no solo reduce el impacto ambiental, sino que también puede generar ahorros significativos en costos de producción.


Consumers and stakeholders are increasingly concerned about the environmental impact of companies.

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Al demostrar un compromiso sólido con la gestión responsable de los residuos, una empresa puede mejorar su imagen y reputación corporativa. Esto puede conducir a una mayor lealtad de los clientes, una ventaja competitiva y la atracción de inversores y socios comerciales comprometidos con la sostenibilidad.


Waste management can drive innovation and open up new business opportunities.

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Además, la implementación de tecnologías y prácticas más sostenibles en la gestión de residuos puede generar conocimientos técnicos y experiencia que se pueden aplicar en otros aspectos de la cadena de valor

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