Adoption And Compliance With ESG Criteria

We are leaders in applying circular economy principles in the mining and industrial sectors.


Adoption And Compliance With ESG Criteria

The Adoption and Compliance of ESG Criteria (Environmental, Social, and Governance) is a service provided by Green Leader that is aimed at mining companies and industries seeking to meet standards and practices related to the environment, social impact, and corporate governance.

The Green Leader service includes an initial consultation that allows for an assessment of the current state of the company, serving as a baseline for the adoption of ESG criteria, and subsequently, the achievement of objectives for proper implementation.

ESG Criteria have become a necessity, especially from an investor's perspective, who, during Due Diligence, can gain a comprehensive view of the business and determine whether environmental, social, and governance risks are being managed, thus mitigating investment risks in case something goes wrong.


By adopting ESG criteria, companies can implement responsible practices to reduce their environmental footprint, promoting the long-term conservation and protection of the environment.


Incorporating ESG criteria involves considering the well-being of communities, respecting their rights, and promoting an inclusive approach that benefits all stakeholders. This can include community consultations and participation, social development programs, local job creation, and respect for labor rights.


The adoption of ESG criteria helps mining companies identify and manage risks associated with their operations. This may include environmental risks such as toxic spills or natural disasters, social risks like conflicts with local communities, and reputation risks. By taking these risks into account and implementing robust management practices, companies can minimize the likelihood of negative events and protect their long-term reputation.


Increasingly, investors and consumers are showing interest in supporting companies that operate responsibly from an environmental and social perspective. Companies that adopt ESG criteria have a better chance of accessing sustainable financing and attracting investors committed to corporate responsibility. Furthermore, many companies and governments require suppliers to meet certain ESG standards, which can open up business opportunities and access to new markets.

ESG Criteria have become a necessity, especially from an investor's perspective, who, during Due Diligence, can gain a comprehensive view of the business and determine whether environmental, social, and governance risks are being managed, thus mitigating investment risks in case something goes wrong.

Choosing Green Leader for the Adoption and Compliance of ESG Criteria service means choosing a partner committed to the sustainable transformation of your company, guiding it towards a more responsible and profitable future.

Why Green Leader?

  • Specialized Expertise: We have a team with expertise in ESG and sustainability, enabling us to provide robust, tailored advice to meet your company's specific needs.
  • Comprehensive Approach: Our approach goes beyond regulatory compliance; it encompasses the effective integration of sustainable practices across all areas of your organization, creating a long-term impact.
  • Personalization: We recognize that every company is unique. Our services are tailored to your industry, size, and goals, ensuring an action plan consistent with your vision and objectives.
  • Practical Solutions: We offer realistic and feasible solutions that not only meet ESG criteria but also add value to your business, providing financial and reputational benefits.
  • Monitoring and Reporting: We implement tracking systems to continuously evaluate the progress and results of your ESG initiatives. Additionally, we assist in the preparation of transparent and credible reports for investors and stakeholders.
  • Strategic Partnerships: We collaborate with a network of experts and leading sustainability organizations, enabling us to provide more comprehensive and up-to-date solutions.
  • Long-Term Focus: Our goal is to help your company build a sustainable culture and a competitive advantage in the market, ensuring long-term viability.

How can our services impact the SDGs?

Green Leader's Adoption and Compliance of Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG) criteria services can have a significant impact on the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), such as:

By adopting ESG criteria, companies can promote social and economic inclusion, fostering decent jobs and improving working conditions.

This can help reduce poverty and inequality by creating economic opportunities for vulnerable communities.

Adoption and compliance with ESG criteria services can promote agricultural sustainability and support responsible food production.

By encouraging sustainable agricultural practices, such as soil conservation, efficient water use, and responsible natural resource management, we can strengthen food security and reduce global hunger.

By adopting ESG criteria, companies can enhance working conditions, promote the health and well-being of their employees and local communities.

Additionally, by investing in clean technologies and sustainable processes, pollution can be reduced, improving air and water quality, which has a direct impact on people's health.

Companies that comply with ESG criteria can support educational and training initiatives for their employees and local communities.

This includes environmental education programs, skills training relevant to employment, and promoting workplace inclusion and diversity.

By adopting responsible business practices, companies can promote gender equality in their operations and supply chain.

This involves ensuring equal pay, providing equitable development and promotion opportunities, and combating any form of gender discrimination.

Companies can contribute to the conservation and responsible use of water by adopting sustainable practices in their operations.

This involves minimizing water consumption, properly treating liquid waste, and promoting education about the importance of water conservation.

How can our services impact the sustainability of your value chain?

Our services, like those offered by Green Leader, can significantly impact the sustainability of the value chain in mining and industry. For example, we can contribute in the following ways:


The adoption of ESG criteria in mining and industry can help manage and minimize negative environmental impacts.

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This involves implementing sustainable practices such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions, efficient use of natural resources, proper waste management, and biodiversity protection. These actions contribute to the sustainability of the value chain by reducing resource depletion and minimizing the risks of contamination and environmental degradation.


ESG adoption and compliance services promote social responsibility in mining and industry.

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This entails ensuring respect for human rights, worker safety and occupational health, gender equity, dialogue with local communities, and promoting socio-economic development in the areas of influence. By considering the social impact of operations, it strengthens relationships with stakeholders, avoids conflicts, and generates long-term social benefits, contributing to the sustainability of the value chain.


ESG compliance services help identify and manage risks associated with mining and industry.

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This includes the assessment and mitigation of operational, financial, legal, and reputational risks. By implementing measures to manage risks, the resilience of the value chain is improved in the face of potential crises and contingencies. This ensures the continuity of operations and the mitigation of negative impacts on the business environment.


Consumers and investors are increasingly looking for products and services that are socially and environmentally responsible.

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By adopting and complying with ESG criteria, your company can access new markets and customers who value sustainability. This can create additional business opportunities and strengthen your company's competitive position in the value chain.


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